ponedeljek, 20. september 2010

Holidays In Istria

Hello! I want to show you some of pictures from my holidays. We've spent the first day in Banjole and in Pula, Istria, Croatia.

The second day at Rt Kamenjak, Premantura, Istria, Croatia.

The thirth day in Lim, Istria, Croatia. It's near Rovinj and Vrsar. On the photo is Limski Fjord, or also Lim fjord.

And the last day we've spent in Poreč, Istria, Croatia.

I had so much fun. And where were you? :)

5 komentarjev:

  1. Čudovite fotke! :) Verjamem da si uživala na polno. :)

  2. Hvala! Ja, sem preveč uživala in je zato tudi prehitro minlo. :)

  3. Lepe slike, ta fjord bi si rada enkrat pogledala.

  4. Res se splača it pogledat, ker je lepo tam. Tule je slikan iz razgledne točke ob cesti. Škoda, bi lohk šla z nami, pa tok smo iskali kandidatke za to potovanje in nobena ni imela časa. Naslednje leto? :)

  5. the pictures are stunning! hope you had a great time. I went to Paris a few months back but haven't had an actual "summer holiday" this year
